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《時事英語》trans fats 反式脂肪



The Obama administration is ordering food companies to phase out (逐漸淘汰) the use of heart-clogging (阻塞心臟的) trans fats (反式脂肪) over the next three years, calling them a threat to public health.


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speak out (phr v) 公開表示反對或抗議

public criticism (n.) 公開批評


Former Taipei City Mayor Hau Lung-bin spoke out yesterday against current mayor Ko Wen-je's public criticism.



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strain n. 品種

outbreak v. 爆發

subsidize v. 補助

livestock n. 家畜

cull v. 撲殺


In response to the recent outbreak of new strains of H5N2 and H5N8 bird flu, the Council of Agriculture (COA) announced yesterday that farmers affected by the outbreaks will be subsidized for their losses.



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Experts have raised concerns over the security of "cloud" storage sites following the leak of intimate pictures of celebrities.

在女星私密(intimate)照片流出(leak)事件後,專家提出了對於雲端儲存網站(cloud storage site)疑慮(raise concerns 提出疑慮)


It is understood some of the images were obtained from services such as Apple iCloud that back up content from devices on to the internet.

據了解這些照片是由像是Apple iCloud這樣的雲端服務網站取得。這些網站提供的是從行動裝置(device)經由網路備份(back up)到雲端的服務。


"It is important for celebrities and the general public to remember that images and data no longer just reside on the device that captured it," said Ken Westin, security analyst at Tripwire.



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1. plant (v.) 暗中安排、安插、安排暗樁

Local media reported yesterday that passengers were planted during President Ma Ying-jeou's ride on the Bus Rapid Transit of Taichung (BRT), raising questions (引起質疑) over the integrity (真實性) of the positive reviews of the newly implemented (執行、引進) transportation system.


2. stem from (v. phr.) 起源於

The suspicion (質疑) stemmed from a photo where the president is seen shaking hands with an elderly woman whose seat was marked with her nametag (名牌).



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《時事英語》V Air eyes social media to boost ridership


imgapi.nownews  (from Nownews.com)

V Air, Taiwan's first low-cost carrier, said at a promotional event on Saturday that it has relied heavily on social networks to pitch its service, which is expected to begin in the fourth quarter of 2014.

台灣第一家廉價航空(low-cost carrier)威航在周六的宣傳活動(promotional event)上表示他們非常仰賴(rely heavily)社群網站來達到宣傳行銷的(pitch)目的。而行銷活動也預計(be expected to)在今年的第四季(fourth quarter)展開。


“The business models of legacy carriers and low-cost carriers are very different, and V Air's potential customers are more likely to do business with us directly online instead of through travel agencies,” said Tommy Tang, V Air's head of marketing.

威航行銷主任Tommy Tang表示 「傳統航空(legacy carriers)與廉價航空的商業模式(business model)大不相同,威航的淺在客群(potential customer)相較之下更有可能直接在網路上購買機票,而非透過旅行社(travel agency)。」


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真是充滿了英式幽默阿 XDD




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本屆奧斯卡各得獎者的感言中,最令人感動的應該就是以《自由之心》(12 Years a Slave)奪下最佳女配角(Best Actress in Supporting Role)露琵塔尼詠歐(Lupita Nyong'o)。她的感言真誠(sincere)且感動人心(touching),讓全場為之動容並為她喝采(bring the house down)


Lupita+Nyong+o+86th+Annual+Academy+Awards+56z8HhvxsfXl  (March 1, 2014 - Source: Kevin Winter/Getty Images North America)



"When I look down at this golden statue, may it remind me and every little child that no matter where you’re from your dreams are valid."




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2013年的年度熊貓獎的頒獎典禮(Giant Panda Awards ceremony) 週五在亞特蘭大舉行。在全世界的貓熊愛好者(panda enthusiasts)踴躍投票(vote)之下,各獎項的贏家都產生了。

(Twins Mei Lun and Mei Huan, born at Zoo Atlanta last year, shared the 2013 Panda Cub of the Year award)
※ cub為"出生不久的大型動物"

(Yuan Zai at the Taipei Zoo took home with Panda Personality of the Year.)


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《時事英語》金酸莓獎提名公佈 Razzies Award Nomination

大明星們避之唯恐不及的金酸莓獎(Razzies Award) 依照慣例搶先在奧斯卡之前公佈了入圍者(nominees)名單。今年名單可說是歷來最整齊的一次,連曾被奧斯卡提名的強尼戴普和娜歐蜜華茲都入圍了。這 些大明星們主演的電影當初大多是備受期待,最後卻成了賠錢貨(box office bombs),當然也就難逃入圍金酸莓的命運了。今年被提名為最爛影片的有 (Worst picture nominees are…)

The Lone Ranger (獨行俠)
After Earth (地球過後)
Grow Ups 2 (亞當登大人2)
A Madea Christmas (黑瘋婆子的聖誕節)


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2014 金球獎在昨天揭曉了。每年的金球獎的矚目焦點除了得獎名單之外,就是得獎者發表的得獎感言(acceptance speech)了。今年的最佳得獎感言是以飾演電影《藥命俱樂部》中的一個患有愛滋病的電工的馬修麥康納(Matthew McConaughey)所講出。


Unexpected but graciously accepted. (很意外,但我欣然接受這個獎)


This movie was never about dying, it was always about living, with that I say, just keep.




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