1. plant (v.) 暗中安排、安插、安排暗樁
Local media reported yesterday that passengers were planted during President Ma Ying-jeou's ride on the Bus Rapid Transit of Taichung (BRT), raising questions (引起質疑) over the integrity (真實性) of the positive reviews of the newly implemented (執行、引進) transportation system.
2. stem from (v. phr.) 起源於
The suspicion (質疑) stemmed from a photo where the president is seen shaking hands with an elderly woman whose seat was marked with her nametag (名牌).
3. alter (v.) 修改;alter photo (v. phr.) 改圖;alterred photo (n.) 被改過的圖
Ma received criticism (批評) yesterday when citizens discovered (發現) an altered photo of the president and his fellow BRT riders on Ma's social media page (社群頁面,此指臉書粉絲頁).
4. doctor (v.) 竄改
The photo in question shows Ma shaking hands with an elderly lady with her name labeled on her seat. However, in a similar picture that is on the president's Facebook, the name tag was doctored to match the color of the elderly woman's seat.
5. privacy (n.) 隱私
When questioned, personnel of the KMT have said that the removal of the elderly lady's name was to protect her privacy (保護個資).
※ 中文習慣說的"保護個資"直接翻成英文是 "protect personal information", 但這樣的講法並不符合英語的使用習慣。符合英語使用習慣的用法為 "protect privacy"。
source: China Post http://www.chinapost.com.tw/taiwan/national/national-news/2014/07/30/413603/Passengers-on.htm