《時事英語》V Air eyes social media to boost ridership
(from Nownews.com)
V Air, Taiwan's first low-cost carrier, said at a promotional event on Saturday that it has relied heavily on social networks to pitch its service, which is expected to begin in the fourth quarter of 2014.
台灣第一家廉價航空(low-cost carrier)威航在周六的宣傳活動(promotional event)上表示他們非常仰賴(rely heavily)社群網站來達到宣傳行銷的(pitch)目的。而行銷活動也預計(be expected to)在今年的第四季(fourth quarter)展開。
“The business models of legacy carriers and low-cost carriers are very different, and V Air's potential customers are more likely to do business with us directly online instead of through travel agencies,” said Tommy Tang, V Air's head of marketing.
威航行銷主任Tommy Tang表示 「傳統航空(legacy carriers)與廉價航空的商業模式(business model)大不相同,威航的淺在客群(potential customer)相較之下更有可能直接在網路上購買機票,而非透過旅行社(travel agency)。」