對等連接詞有 and but yet or so for nor 七個
記憶Tips: 對等連接詞字母都很少(三個以下)
1. 想清楚自己要表達的意思,然後選用語意適當的對等連接詞。
and 和、而 連接類似語義或性質的單字、片語或子句
I ordered a hamburger and an apple pie.
but 但是 連接相反語義的子句
He studied hard, but he didn’t pass the test.
yet 但是 功能和but一樣
He studied hard, yet he didn’t pass the test.
or 或 連接提供給對方的選項(二選一)
Do you want to go for a movie or go shopping?
so 所以 連接表示因果關係的子句
It was raining, so the game was canceled.
for 因為 連接表示因果關係的子句
I won’t buy it, for it is too expensive.
nor 亦不 配合前面否定的語義
It was not my fault, nor his.
2. 注意逗號的使用。用對等連接詞連接字或片語時不須逗號。連接子句時,對等連接詞前面須加上逗號。
She ran up the steps and into the house.(連接片語不須逗號)
Mrs. Brown caught the fish, and her husband booked them. (連接子句要加逗號)