say ”說” 用文字表達想法、感覺等
最常見的用法是 say(that)後面接子句
I always said I would buy a motorbike when I had enough money.
tell 有兩個意思 (1)“告訴” 傳達訊息給另一方 (2)“說” 說故事、說謊、說笑話等
tell + somebody (that) 後面接子句
I wish someone had told me the party was canceled.
tell somebody about something
No one had told them about the news.
tell somebody something
Can you tell me your phone number again?
I told him a joke yesterday.
talk “談話” “聊天” 與某人進行會話
I could hear Sarah and Andy talking in the next room.
English people love to talk about the weather.
She spent a long time talking to him.
speak 可表示“談話” “聊天” 與某人進行會話 (這個意思等同於talk, 但speak較為正式)
I spoke to her last Wednesday. (意思=I talked to her last Wednesday.)
也可表示“說” 使用語言的能力
Do you speak English?
I speak fluent Japanese.