在多益聽力Part 4中,天氣預報是一個常出現的考題類型
Bouts of rain 一陣大雨
Bouts of rain will get heavier today and affect Taiwan from tonight until tomorrow. 雨勢在今天會轉強,並從今晚開始至明天會對台灣造成影響。
throughout 整個
While it will rain throughout Taiwan, the north of the country will be worst affected. 整個台灣都會下語,而其中台灣北部會受到最嚴重的影響。
stationary front 滯留鋒面
bring rain to 帶來降雨
The next stationary front — which will bring rain to the entire island — is due to arrive this weekend.
drop in temperatures 氣溫降低
The rain will also bring a drop in temperatures 降雨會連帶地使氣溫降低
afternoon showers with thunder 午後雷陣雨
afternoon showers with thunder and strong winds are to be expected in the mountain areas of central and southern Taiwan
cloudy with rain 多雲時雨
glimpse 瞥見
eastern Taiwan was cloudy with rain while western Taiwan caught occasional glimpse of the sun